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  • 40 Acts - Day 16

    I love and need this one!  And today it is pretty much possible once I meet some friends later this morning.  I have a primitive phone and miss more calls than I take, so not entirely a technology addict.  However, I am still working at not checking emails on my 'day off'... it has become some much part of my routine, so it's good to be reminded of the value ot swtiching off all the technology...


    For all its benefits (and there are a few) technology also has its pitfalls. Our phones can be addictive, and sometimes counter-productive to real face-to-face relationship. Do you need to check Facebook again? Will that view only exist if you Instagram it? You know what we're about to ask, don't you? Time to disconnect and reconnect.


    BUT, BUT, BUT…

    If it's impossible to do this today, make a point of scheduling one Sunday in the next three weeks as a 'downtime' day. Let people know you'll be offline in advance, if you need to. Make plans for face-to-face time, not FaceTime.



    Can't switch off for a whole day? OK, try three hours. No Facebook, no WhatsApp, no phone calls (unless you're arranging to meet up in person). Be present, fully, for someone else.



    Starting now, switch it off. Enjoy a whole day unplugged and fully focused on the people you're blessed to be with this weekend. Let us know how you got on tomorrow.