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  • In the Beginning - A Communion Liturgy

    Today we began our Creation Time/Creationtide series 'Animal, Vegetable & Mineral'.  This was the Communion liturgy we used...



    In the beginning was a seed,

    And the seed was buried in the rich, dark earth

    And the seed grew…


    In the beginning was the stalk,

    And the stalk brought forth the golden, heavy ear

    And the seed was in the ear…


    In the beginning was the seed,

    And the seed was spread between cool, heavy stones

    And the flour was ground…




    In the beginning was another seed,

    And that seed was buried in the rich, dark earth

    And that seed also grew…


    In the beginning was the vine,

    And vine brought forth the dark, weighty cluster

    And the grape was in the cluster…


    In the beginning was the grape,

    And the grape was crushed until its skin ran dry

    And the juice was collected




    In the beginning, someone took the flour and made a loaf of bread

    In the beginning, someone crushed the grapes to make a skin of wine

    And all was made ready for the banquet of hope…


    In the beginning, in the gathering, in the breaking, in the sharing, in the scattering…

    In it all, God is here.


    The Story

    Here is bread, and here is wine, and here we meet to share.  But why?  How did it begin?


    In the beginning, God’s Creative Word lived among us in a Jewish man called Jesus, who called his closest followers together to share in a Passover meal.


    And in during meal, God’s living Word became a man’s spoken word, carefully recorded for all of history…


    Taking the loaf, and giving thanks, Jesus said, “this is my body, which is for you, whenever you do this, remember me.”


    Taking the cup of wine, and giving thanks, Jesus said, ‘this is my blood, poured out for you, whenever you do this, remember me.’


    And so here we begin again –

    We hear the words of Jesus,

    We listen for the Word of God,

    We participate in the remembrance of Christ



    Creator of all that is good and beautiful, we thank you for this bread and for this wine, for those who grew the crops, gathered the harvest, baked the bread and bottled the wine.  Help us as we share and as we remember to find sustenance for our souls.  Amen.




    Prayer afterwards

    In the end, all things will be re-created

    In the end, all will be well

    Until then, we entrust ourselves, and our creation to God’s safekeeping
