Jim Gordon has posted one of my favourite Advent hymns today. Others include 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel', the beautiful setting of the Great Advent 'O' Antiphons, and this one (if you can excuse the odd bit of military imagery): -
There’s a light upon the mountains, And the day is at the spring,
When our eyes shall see the beauty
And the glory of our King;
Weary was our heart with waiting,
And the night had seemed so long,
But his triumph day is breaking,
And we hail him with a song.
There’s a hush of expectation,
And a quiet in the air;
And the breath of God is moving
In the fervent breath of prayer;
For the suffering, dying Jesus
Is the Christ upon the throne,
And the travail of our spirits
Is the travail of his own.
He is breaking down the barriers, He is casting up the way;
He is calling for his angels
To build up the gates of day;
But his angels here are human,
Not the shining hosts above,
For the drum-beats of his army
Are the heart-beats of our love.
Hark! We hear a distant music, And it comes with fuller swell;
It’s the triumph song of Jesus,
Of our king Immanuel;
Zion, go now forth to meet him,
And my soul, be swift to bring
All the sweetest and the dearest
For the triumph of our King.
Henry Burton (public domain so far as I can ascertain)
My musicians say they don't like Advent hymns, asserting they are 'too gloomy,' but I love the somewhat poignant, unresolved mood they set, as we wait in the dark and gloom for the coming of the light.
This Sunday I am indulging myself with several I love, including this simple offering from Taize: -
Wait for the Lord,
Whose day is near
Wait for the Lord,
Be strong, take heart.
Jacques Berthier © Presses de Taizé
Anyone else want to suggest their favourites?