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- Page 7

  • #Advent Challenge Day 9

    This is a genuine challenge for a shy introvert - I am the person for whom email was invented because it means I can communicate at one remove!  Oh dear!!  I am also very aware that my friendship energies get spent in a quite a narrow arena... I have loads of loose friendships but not so many close ones, and of course those change over time.  So choosing to spend time with someone more to the fringes of my comfort zone in this regard is a genuine challenge.

    Ever wondered what became of your old school friends? Lost touch with a distant relative? In the business of life it’s so hard keeping up with friendships, and finding enough time to invest in everybody.

    A study taken a few years ago suggested that most adults had on average two close friends. Like all relationships, friendships must be two-way and it’s important to take a genuine interest in people. The Bible reminds us of the strength that can be found in friendships.

    Click on a challenge below to get started!


    Phone a friend you’ve not seen for a while
    Accept challenge >


    Get in touch with an old school friend
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    Spend time with someone on the edge of your friendship group
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    A view from the Bible

    "Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up..." 

  • When Ministry is Blessing

    Today I had two routine visitors to very elderly women who live in care homes.  Each was a blessing in its own way.

    Firstly a visit to a woman who in her youth served with BMS in India and now, in her nineties sits quietly in the living room of the home and, inceasingly passes her day resting her eyes.  I sat next to her and she reached for my hand.  I held it as we chatted, and continued to as sleep overtook her.  A pianist came in to entertain the residents.  Another woman wandered to the piano and 'la la la-ed' along to the muisc, her voice clear and true even if the words of the songs, had she ever known them, were long gone.  The tune chaged to 'my Bonny lies over the ocean', my quiet comanion openned her eyes and sang along, her hand firm in my own as we swung them together.  A beautiful half hour, ministry as presence, quiet companionship... ministry as blessing.

    And then to the widow of a Baptist minister, the oldest person with whom I currently have contact.  In great form today, she shared stories, held court and laughed lustily.  Memories of pastorates long past, opinions formed by experience of a lifetime, and enjoyment of the company of those who regularly visit at varying frequencies.  A very different experience, and just as precious.  Still ministry as presence, still quiet companionship... still ministry as blessing.

    For an introvert who finds small talk tricky, these quiet, even silent, visits are precious indeed. 

  • I wish I'd written this...

    This, from ALTERnativity is just brilliant, and you should follow the link and read it.  I wish I'd written it.  Instead I will try to find my own verse verse thirty-eight-and-three-quarters moment.  And maybe you will too.

  • #AdventChallenge Day 8

    Not sure what has happened today - no email 'ping' in my inbox at 7 a.m., or even now fifteen minutes later!

    So manually typing in the challenges today!!...


    Provide food to a foodbank




    Invite someone round for a meal



    Text 'HAMPER' to 70500 to donate £5 and help give a food hamper and Bible stories to a UK family living in poverty this Christmas.


    I opted for the first one, which I do anyway, have already done a fair bit of inviting folk round for meals and am invlved in a Christmas Day lunch for all comers, so not really too much challenge in these today..


  • #AdventChallenge Day 7

    Three lovely challenges today - compliments, treats and gratitude.

    Today is just slightly bonkers in my world... man arriving to repair two ceilings in the manse and redecorate the bathrooms (which are currently so BRIGHT they are a shock at 6 a.m.!).  The kitties have their annual check-up and jabbing at the V.E.T..  I need to pop in to my GP to order a prescription.  I have to buy stamps for my myriad Christmas cards.  I am due to have tea with a theolgian and then to share in an evenign of reflection.  So loads of people to say 'thank you' to, which is the option I chose.  And lots of more general gratitude.

    Dear Catriona

    Everyone likes a compliment, right? It’s good to be supportive and encouraging of one another, and sometimes just a small gesture can make a big difference.

    In the same way, the Bible explains how we can take confidence and encouragement from God.

    See what you can do today!


    Compliment as many people as you can today
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    Take some treats into work for your colleagues
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    Thank someone who has helped you out over the last year
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    A view from the Bible

    "Kind words are like honey — sweet to the taste and good for your health."

    Proverbs 16:24