This Christmas pudding apparently serves 'approx 4'. I had one quarter yesterday with cream, and one quarter today with custard and cream... and both were delicious. When I was younger and thinner, and my metabolism moved faster, I could have eaten the whole thing in a single sitting, so I guess it depends who is eating it.
It was one of the very few occasions I've eaten Christmas dinner at home in quarter of a century, usually I've been helping out at a community lunch or something similar. It was a real treat to sit down in peace and quiet and eat something I had chosen rather than what was left after serving everyone else. A bit self-indulgent for sure, and I always enjoyed being part of the Community events, but this year I just needed a bit of 'me time'.
Whatever your Christmas Day was like, I hope you found a bit of what you needed.
Sophie certainly stole the show this morning, and coped remarkably well both with being cooped up in her carrier and with the 'oohs' and 'ahs' of more than thirty humans as she was lifted up at the start of my talk (this photo was taken before the service when there was no-one else there). We had around thirty folk present, more visitors than regulars, and a few sought out Sophie for a bit of fuss before they left!
The not-a-sermon talked about christingles (the vet, the family who arrived late) about stars (Sasha going out at 5am this morning and me seeing the star-spangled sky) and the God who is present in it all.
And this poem...
Cat in the Manger, U A Fanthorpe
In the story, I'm not there. Ox and ass, arranged at prayer But me? Nowhere.
Anti-cat evangelists How on earth could you have missed Such an obvious and able Occupant of any stable?
Who excluded mouse and rat? The harmless necessary cat. Who snuggled in with the holy pair? Me. And my purr.
Matthew, Mark and Luke and John, (Who got it wrong, Who left out the cat) Remember that, Wherever He went in this great affair I was there.
During Advent I've been using two 'advent calendar' jigsaws - this one with a stained glass nativity scene, and one with 24 cartoon cats. I've also read two Advent devotional books, and enjoyed a Jacquie Lawson Advent Calendar. I've shared in leading evening reflections about angels. There has been a lot of vicar school stuff, including leading some training on Saturday and a meeting with a student placement church on Monday evening! Also since Monday I've had a very sick cat who has spent a lot of time at the vet (hopefully now getting better and due to come with me to church this morning, vet's orders). My Christmas Day reflection was hastily scrabbled together late on yesterday, and isn't great, but has some great bits in it. I am mentally rewriting it as I type, because I think I now know what I need to say...
This morning, Sasha, the healthy cat, wanted to go out at 5 a.m. I went down stairs, opened the door and let her out. As the cold air rushed in (or the warm air out) I felt moved to pull on my coat and step into the darkness. The grass glistened with dew (or maybe rain) so brightly I wondered at first if it was frost. Looking up, a sliver of moon pierced the darkness and, as my eyes adjusted myriad stars spangled the sky. The same moon and the same stars that watched over Bethlehem 200 years ago, that watch over Bethlehem now... I paused for a few moments to savour the wonder of it all, and to remember what we are celebrating this day.
I will also share Christingle stories from yesterday, which also brought moments of 'aha' of 'God with us' or 'this is what it's all about'... I may share them later, but for now I have to gather my bits, persuade Sophie to go into her carrier, and make my way to church!
May this Christmas bring you moments of sparkly wonder and surprising joy - and may the peace of the Christ child be yours now and always.
This morning was our service of Lessons and Carols, and, despite, apocalyptic-looking grey skies and pelting rain, we had a decent attendance. The readers excelled, especially, it has to be said, the reader of The Camels of the Kings; we also had a convincing sheepdog, as well as my donkey and horse. The Bible readings were good too!
On a day when the reports are full of bad news, sad news and bewildering news, it was good, if only for a little while, to suspend our disbelief, and allow a collection of animals to bring us some Good News.