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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 227

  • Angel Advent - Day 5

    Archangel Raphael seems to be depicted in gorgeous turquoise-green robes.  The healing angel (the "Rapha" bit means healer) who appears in the apocrypha/deautero-canonical book of Tobit.

    Green is often seen as a colour of wholeness, healing and growth, which may explain the choice for Raphael.

    Many people, I suspect, depending on their age, think of Raphael as the famous artist, or as one of the 'teenage mutant hero/ninja turtles'; few will be aware that the former is named after the angel, and the latter after the artist.

    In western society, the meanings and significance of names has long been lost, with parents choosing names they like the sound of, or which have personal significane (relatives or celebrities).  Raphael serves as reminder of the power of names, in shaping expectations and informing lives.

    If we could choose a 'virtue name' for oursleves, I wonder what it might be?  I wonder how knowing the significance/meaning of our name (chosen or given) might affect our attitudes and actions?

    God of healing and wholeness,

    Thank you for the story of Raphael, the angel of healing

    Thank you for the potential significance of names in expressing values and aspirations,

    Known to you by our names - the ones we choose for ourselves, not simply those given to us by others - help us to grow in grace, mercy and love,

    Learning to be, and to become, the people you made us to be.


  • Angel Advent - Day 4

    This photo was shared with me by the person who took it.  It is the Angel gabriel watching over the chapel at the (now closed) Western Infirmary in Glasgow.

    I can imagine countless people sitting in the hospital chapel, in times of distress, in times of fear, in times of loss... as well as those who participated in formal services over so many years.

    I wonder how many people gazed at, or through, this image, seeking comfort, reassurance, or hope... how many viewed it through tears; how many raged at the injustice they perceived...

    And Gabriel stood vigil, hearing all, seeing all, feeling all, saying nothing... and saying everything by his quiet presence.

    Hospital chapels - or prayer rooms, or 'sanctuaries' as those in Glasgow are now named - are special places where hope and fear, joy and sorrow, doubt and faith may all be expressed - sometimes all at once.

    According to a website I visited, Archangel Michael protects, Archangel Gabriel announces and Archangel Raphael (of whom more another day) guides.


    God whose angel Gabriel announced news to Zecharaiah, to Mary, to Joseph

    Please watch over all who, this day, are present in hospitals -

    As out-patients and in-patients, as medical staff, administrators, housekeeping, chaplaincy or countless other roles

    Surround them with your unending love, and grant them your peace.



  • First Sunday in Advent

    The candle of hope burning brightly

    A teeny tiny thurible for Zechariah

    Some knitting for Mary

    A saw and a hammer for Joseph

    The remains of Communion

    I had a great morning telling stories and sharing with a multi-ethnic all age congregation.


  • A Poem for Advent 1

    Whilst researching candle liturgies, I came across a series of 'poems' by Katherine Hawker at www.liturgyoutside.net

    Here's the one for the Candle of Hope

    hope in the bleak midwinter

    like a seed
    buried deep within the earth;
    covered by layers,
    disappointment, struggle, pain;
    buried yet stretching,
    growing and becoming.
    like a seed
    becoming new life.
    we light a candle for hope.


  • Angel Advent - Day 3

    St Michael defeating the devil at Coventry Cathedral.

    I was pretty young the first time we visited Coventry Cathedral, catching the train from Northampton, visiting the ruins of the old cathedral, climbing the tower (I think it cost 10p each) and then marvelling at the stained glass in the new cathedral.

    Since then, I've visited the cathedral numerous times, twice to attend anglican ordinations, and on the day I bought my red duffle coat, indeed, the latter was secondary to the former, as the cathedral and its precints are a place where I can find space to be still amidst the swirl of life.

    Like Dresden, a city devastated by the effects of war.  Like Dresden, a city where hope defied evil.  Unsurprisingly, there is a special relationship between these two cities and the Cross of Nails is a sahred symbol of hope.

    Not a prayer of my own today, but rather the Coventry Liturgy of reconiliation - an invitation from the angels who guard Coventry and Dresden to a more peaceful life...


    All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

    The hatred which divides nation from nation, race from race, class from class, FATHER FORGIVE.

    The covetous desires of people and nations to possess what is not their own, FATHER FORGIVE.

    The greed which exploits the work of human hands and lays waste the earth, FATHER FORGIVE.

    Our envy of welfare and happiness of others, FATHER FORGIVE.

    Our indifference to the plight of imprisoned, the homeless, the refugee, FATHER FORGIVE.

    The lust which dishonours the bodie sof men, women and children, FATHER FORGIVE.

    The pride which leads us to trustin ourselves and not in God, FATHER FORGIVE.

    Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.