This week I have written 'circling prayers' for a couple of friends facing unpleasant medical procedures, and they seem to have been appreciated.
I can recall posting about circling prayers before, so this is not the place to launch into a long explanation of what they are, just to note for anyone who doesn't know, that Celtic ciricling prayers involve imagining, or tracing with the hand whilst turning slowly, a circle around the person praying the prayer.
Today I feel that I want to pray such a prayer for my blog readers, encircling them in the love of the Sacred Three, or, for those for whom such concepts fail to hold meaning, then simply to circle them in Love...
Circle them, Sacred Three, with your love:
Keep hopefulness within and despair without
Circle them, Sacred Three, with your love:
Keep wholeness within and brokenness without
Circle them, Sacred Three, with your love:
Keep gentleness within and bitterness without
Circle them, Sacred Three, with your love:
Keep courageousness within and abandonment without
Circle them, Sacred Three, with your love:
Keep calmness within and restlessness without
Circle them, Sacred Three, with your love:
Keep peacefulness within and vengefulness without
Circle them, Sacred Three, with your love:
Keep contentedness within and discontent without
Circle them, Sacred Three, with your love:
Keep security within and terror without
Circle them, Sacred Three, with your love:
All people
All places
All creation
May circles of your love spread like ripples on a clear pond
Carrying with them blessing
To the very end of all things
Until they find their source and their end in you