I am getting back into the swing of starting my day with PAYG... how easy it is to let 'spiritual disciplines' slide, especially in an age of instant everyhting. Anyhow, today's passage was part of Philippians 3, including Paul's assertion that:
For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and I regard them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him (Phil 3:8b NRSV)
Oh dear, sorry Paul, I cannot regard all things as rubbish, not even if I restrict that to the material, and absolutely not if I allow the more abstract things that delight...
Thank you, God, for Pauline rubbish:
For the warm, soft fur of pussy-cat cuddles
The sunlight playing on the chimney stacks of Victorian houses
The summer breeze tousling hair and tickling skin
The soaring crescendo of birdsong, and pop-song, and symphonic works
Thank you, God, for Pauline rubbish
For the laughter of a shared ridiclous experience
The 'aha' moments of new knowledge or insight
The heartaching privilege of sharing others' pain
The gentle silence of contentment
Thank you, God, for Pauline rubbish
Your outrageously geneous gifts of grace
Better is one day lived in a Pauline rubbish dump, than a thousand elsewhere.