Easter Sunday 2011 Easter Sunday 2012
Pictures may not be so great, being cropped from larger shots... but show just how much has changed (appearance-wise) in the last year
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Easter Sunday 2011 Easter Sunday 2012
Pictures may not be so great, being cropped from larger shots... but show just how much has changed (appearance-wise) in the last year
Been a crazily busy day... not about to admit how many hours were 'worked' but it was a lot! And other people worked every bit as hard, if not harder, than I did.
So, just a few of the many photos from today which give a vague flavour of how it felt. (yes those are real fish on a real barbecue on real sand!)
Lots of visitors and lots of laughter. Lots of love and lots of little glimspes of God at work. A lovely day.
I am now about to take a few days off - my day off and the bank holiday substitutes... which means I may well not post on here for a few days.
and Happy Easter to all my readers.
A very quick post... busy celebration day ahead... so a Taize video for you to sing along to!
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Utterly brilliant! Nineteen children, mostly aged under five, along with parents or grandparents came on a journey with us through Holy Week.
We began in the Temple making the sounds of the corwd and the animals; we met a money changer who was driven out by Jesus!
We then moved on to Bethany for a meal (yummy berries and other fruit) where Jesus' feet were anointed with perfume, and we made lavender bags to take home
Next we were allowed upstairs where Jesus washed his friends' feet and then we shared pitta bread and grape juice and heard that Jesus told his friends to remember how much he loved them when they ate and drank.
Lastly we tiptoed in silence down the stairs, along the road and up the hill to Calvary where Jesus died.
It seemed very sad, but everyone was given a clue to the surprise that God had planned... a chocolate egg that could be opened up and eaten on Sunday.
Playing Jesus is not something that women often get the opportunity to do - and I found it both a privilege and quite profound (my two minutes of 'crucifixion' or arms spread out in love - you decide, we didn't say either way - left me with aching arms!)
Massive thanks to A, B, G, H, to P & L for loan of the paddling pool, and to everyone who came and took part... it was a fabulous morning.
PS It's not just narcissism that the pictures are of me - we do not have permission to post photos of the children online