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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 751

  • The Joy of Sleep!

    Most of the time since I've been home I've been asleep - there is nothing like one's own bed is there?  The hopsital beds were comfortable and 'clever' in that they had remote controls to move them to different configurations, but it was bliss to return to my own rather old and totally unsophisticated bed and to sleep.

    Who needs memory foam when if you keep you bed long enough it is perfectly contoured anyway?!

    Although I still wake up every time I move, and have only two positions in which I can sleep, it was the most restful night I've had in a week - evidenced by the fact that I didn't surface until 9 a.m. - sheer bliss after being woken at 6 a.m. so the nurse could do obs on the person in the next bed!!

    Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you can sleep in your own bed... (with apologies to the Letter of James).

  • The Wanderer Returns

    Just a very quick post to say I am now back home.

    All went brilliantly and I won the metaphorical "patient of the week" award for doing as I was told and recovering so fast!  I also win the metaphorical worlds' biggest drainage" prize for the amount of seroma my wound is still producing - not a concern just "how it is sometimes'.

    I, due course I will write more about adventures in the forest and the amazing creatures that dwell there, but for now I am simply resting and enjoying the literal view from my real life windows.

    Many, many thanks for the prayers and 'virtual' hugs and hand-holds that helped me on my way; I am among women truly blessed.

  • I'll be back...!

    This is advance posted to appear at the time I'm due to check in at the hospital.

    30 jan 2011.jpg

    I guess I've come a long way from the person who no way would let anyone see her head without hair.  You may be able to detect the slight 'halo' effect where it is starting to grow back (some still falling out).

    The last week or so especially has seen my inbox and my doormat swamped with messages of support, and I have found my anxiety levels dropping as the day has drawn nearer.  I am overwhelmed by the number of people whose prayers are supporting me - many of whom know me only online or as a name - and feel both humbled and blessed by this.  THANK YOU my loyal readers for all your support over these past months.

    I wondered about advance posting some bits and bobs - prayers, songs, Bible verses (out of context) - but decided against it.  Instead this corner of blogland will be silent for a while - at least a week whilst I am in hospital and maybe longer if I am feeling 'knocked about' afterwards.  But, as the line goes, 'I'll be back'... with tales of how it all went and what new things I've learned about myself or about God along the way.

    Whatever you're up to in the meantime, don't work too hard, take care, have fun, laugh a lot, dance if only in your bedroom... and come back to 'see' me soon.

    Blessings be yours in abundance.


    The Lord is my rock, my rock and salvation, in God I trust, in God I trust.  (Taize, after Psalm 18:2)


  • Just for Fun

    HT Drayton Parslow for this. If you can cope with the synthesised voices, mispronunciations and dodgy inflexions, it's quite funny - and plenty more whence it came. Enjoy - it's preordained that you will ;-)

  • Go!

    Today's the day!  As I'm awake so early this is real time posted rather than advance posted as I'd planned.

    It is cold and wet just now in Glasgow (and dark of course) but already birds are singing and a new day is dawning bringing with it new hope...

    FAB (whatever that means!)