Thanks Julie for this, anyone want to add any more (polite) ideas?!
Stuff happens. What do the world’s religions have to say about this vexing existential problem?
Taoism: Stuff happens. Who gives a stuff?
Hinduism: This stuff has happened before and will happen again.
Buddhism: The stuff that happens doesn’t really.
Zen: What is the sound of stuff happening?
Islam: The stuff that will happen will happen.
Judaism: Lord, why is this stuff happening to me?
Evangelicalism: Jesus, we praise you and just wanna ask why this stuff isn’t happening to someone else?
Roman Catholicism: Stuff happens because you deserve it.
Open Theism: Stuff happens to God too.
Pentecostalism: Tuffs appensh.
Anglo-Catholicism: Verily, verily, stuff happeneth.
Atheism: Stuff happens. Then you die. No more stuff.
Rastafarianism: Let’s smoke the stuff.
Hmm, a sixth core value for Baptists - A Stuffy Community?! Nuff said.
Couldn't resist adding:
Hare Krishna: Stuff Happens! Stuff Happens! Stuff Happens!
Calvinists: Stuff won't happen to you if you work hard enough.
Tele-evangelists: Tell you stuff won't happen if you send in your love offering.
Quakers: Qietly praise God for the blessing stuff brings
Hmm, I dunno, Calvinists could also have....
Total depravity of stuff
Uncondtional effects of stuff
Limited avoidance of stuff
Irrisistable stuff
Perseverance of stuff
In the words of my old university chaplain,
"It all depends on what you mean by 'Stuff'"
If you're reading this, Ted, after nearly 25 years I do apologise!
Indeed, it does.
I suspect that the intent of this post, at it's least lavatorial, is that stuff=life, which is what happens when one is making other plans. But you guessed that anyway!
However, your comment reminded me of Paul Fiddes contribution to 'Reflections on the Water' where he quotes extracts from Adrian Mitchell's 'Stufferation' including the immortal lines...
Clergy are dumfounded by it
Bones are surrounded by it
I like that stuff
Unfortunately I cannot find the whole thing online - just some quotes of the bits Paul Fiddes quotes in the odd sermon and a verse about eggs on a schools literacy website!
I think I would go with the Rastafarianism view. I wonder if thats allowed for a Minister?