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SWOT as worship?

First 'normal' Sunday of the year, and I decided to have a looking back/looking forward kind of theme using the beginning of Mark's gospel (Baptism to call of first disciples) and Luke's 'Nazareth Manifesto' example of Jesus' early preaching.  It was a pretty interactive service, ended up quite long (1.5 hours, no communion) and I got picked upon my decision not to include a song with what I felt unhelpful military/war/triumphalist imagery from which I quoted a line or two that were helpful.  Even so, it was, I think, a good service.  Part of it was to get the congregation to do a quick SWOT analysis (which I explained, it was new for some) as we begin the next stage of our 'adventure with God.'

Overall I was proud of them, and impressed with what they came up with (though I'd love to unpack some of the words and discuss the intent of those who said a few of the things)

Our Strengths...

  • Togetherness
  • Work with older people
  • Three Bible study groups
  • Catering skills
  • Varied gifts and talents
  • Organisation
  • Risk-taking

Our Weaknesses...

  • Hesitancy
  • Doubts
  • Age

Our Opportunities

  • Witness
  • Worship in the school
  • Games evening [a children's club we run]
  • Ecumenical meetings
  • Ministering to each other
  • Discussions with D+1
  • Reaching out into the community

Our Threats

  • Finances (lack of)
  • Faith (lack of)
  • Time (lack of) /Busyness
  • Lack of purpose
  • Too much diversity

God turns our Weaknesses into Opportunities

So that the glory goes to God

Next week is a united service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and then our Covenant Service when we will commit to 'walk together with God and with one another in ways known and to be made known.'  After that it is Five Core Values 2007 style.  Somehow I need to keep in my mind the things we charted - and offered to God - and the various intiatives we have planned as I reflect afresh on being a 21st century Gospel People.

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