Advent Prayers Week 2 - 16 people squeezed into the manse living room, loaves and fishes (well stew and apple pie) no problem, singing happy birthday to a 92 year-old (who wasn't the oldest there) and raising money for HMF.
This, I thought, is when it's all worth it. No stroppy deacons to criticise (one supportive one to enjoy, another alas unable to make it this week). An old lady brought a lemon sponge, someone else a ginger cake for next week, an offer of a Christmas cake to come... Five minutes of good, solid, heartfelt open prayer (as distinct from 30 minutes of embarrassed silence in the official prayer meetings)... Someone on the edge of the fellowship washing up, a couple of widows getting some much needed company... The beginnings of community.
This is church! And I've helped to make it happen! Praise God who, in overflowing grace and love, seeks us before we have a clue we're being sought, and who never ceases to surprise us with moments of wonder.
Well done! you'll have to tell me how to do it!
Something in the way you say this suggests it went well.
Happy Christmas!
Good innit?
Hello All,
yup it was good - I am trying to make more of an effort to focus on the good things rather than whinge about the bad stuff.
Having just got in from the final rehearsal of the GB nativity play in which we've had to make four new parts at the last minute (to say nothing of overseeing 22 lots of glitter and glue rather than a more typical 14-16) I am tired but quite cheerful - and tomorrow have almost 70 wrinklies for lunch club. I guess contact with around 100 folk in 2 days is reasonable mission!