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A Refreshing Change

Remember that old cider (?) advert where hedgehogs squashed cars - the opposite of usual experience.  I had one of those experiences this morning.

I went to do a funeral visit for someone who was 'a life-long Baptist' of whom none of my folk had heard.  It transpired that she had been part of our church, her daughter proudly showed me the Bible she'd been presented with by the Sunday School back in 1932, when she would have been 17.  It appears she was never baptised and stopped attendling long before she met and married a Roman Catholic in 1948.

It was a long visit - two hours - and I felt for the daughter who has many problems, and is now left without her 'rock.'  At the end of the visit I prayed with her, and then she prayed, thanking God for me.  Now that was a first.  Not even in church households have I encountered the family offering a prayer.  This lady doesn't attend church, and would be regarded with suspicion by many 'decent church folk,' but by gum, she showed me she has faith.

Just hope the funeral service does what she needs it to do.

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