As posted on Wednesday, our planning consent came through this week. When I announced this at the start of worship today there was some, though not much, spontaneous applause.
Now here are my weird linkages, for no better reason than none...
The last service (apart from the formal closure service) held in our chapel building took place on 19 December 2004, my 42nd birthday. The formal notification of our planning consent (rather than informal!) came on 20th March 2008 - the day before my little sister's 42nd birthday...
The gap between these dates is as near as makes no odds 3.25 years - roughly the traditional duration of Jesus' earthly ministry. I don't think this is particularly significant, it just appeals to my sense of the bizarre.
It would be wishful thinking in extremis to imagine we might reach the next stage by Ascension or Pentecost - but maybe I'll at least know what we need to do next by then. (If any gentle reader has a 42nd birthday coming up, perhaps they'd better beware...!) Life, the universe and everything...? Or just more proof that Catriona, plot and lost can only fit in one order in any given sentence?!
Rick Warren says lots of significant things happen in periods of 40 days/years/chapters (I made that last one up).
Given all these 42s, you're obviously out of synch somehow, but still within range of the significant number.
Will you knock it all down and then in three days rebuild it, or is that just a misunderstanding?
What, you mean Rick Warren is right and Douglas Adams was wrong...?! Whatever would Marvin the paranoid android make of that?
Purpose! Don't talk to me about purpose!