Becuase my brain is still largely in post-Pentcost mush, I decided to crib a communion liturgy rather than writing my own this week. I wanted something that felt intune with the relational, hospitable, missional view of Trinity I want to try to explore. In the Baptist brick (Gathering for Worship, an excellent resource just way too big for a handbag let alone a pocket) is a liturgy for 'table fellowship' which I liked but felt was not quite right for my congregation. I like the words, I like the participative style, but I'm not a big fan of being presented with large chunks of unseen prose to read, so I wasn't about to inflict it on other people, especially as many of them are quite vociferous in their dislike of printed liturgy. So, in the end I adapted it for three voices, simply because in my congregation it is me plus two deacons up front. Maybe we can manage something just a tad Rublevian (if there is such a word?) with the congregation taking the role of the unseen fourth person?
Anyway, for those who don't have access to Gathering for Worship, here is my adaptation - I hope that I'm not breahcing copyright too badly, and the orignal version is onpages 43 to 45 of said book. I have tried to mark adaptations in a different colour but may have missed a few - mainly they are changes from first person singular to plural and for more overtly trinitarian (rather than binitarian!) scriptures..
Voice 1 | The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you. (2 Cor 13:14, Message) |
Voice 2 | We are invited to come together around this table as those who belong to the household of Christ, brothers and sisters who in our baptized lives live out the death and resurrection of Jesus, a renewed community of faith, who inhabit a universe of grace. PAUSE |
Voice 3 | Remembering the death and resurrection of the one who is our life and our meaning, we come first to relinquish all that is loveless and death dealing in our lives. Jesus commands us to love God with all our heart and soul, mind and strength. |
Voice 1 | Brothers and sisters, we have not kept this commandment. We must forgive our own and each other’s godlessness, and pray that God will light the fire of such love in our hearts. PAUSE |
Voice 2 | Jesus commands us to love our neighbours in the same way that we love ourselves. |
Voice 3 | Brothers and sisters, we have been selfish, hard-hearted and mean spirited, and have failed to practice openhearted hospitality. We must forgive ourselves and each other, and pray that God’s grace will melt and warm our hearts. PAUSE |
Voice 1 | Scripture reminds us “you have been purified from sin; you have been dedicated to God; you have been put right with God by the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Cor 6:11b, GNB) PAUSE As forgiven people, as a restored community, we recall the story of the first Lord’s Supper… (Luke 22: 14 – 20 GNB) |
Voice 2 | When the hour came, Jesus took his place at the table with the apostles. |
Voice 3 | I have wanted so much to eat this Passover meal with you before I suffer! For I tell you, I will never eat it until it is given its full meaning in the Kingdom of God. |
Voice 1 | Then Jesus took a cup and gave thanks to God |
Voice 3 | Take this and share it among yourselves. I tell you that from now on I will not drink this wine until the Kingdom of God comes. |
Voice 2 | Then he took a piece of bread, gave thanks to God, broke it, and gave it to them |
Voice 3 | This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of me. |
Voice 1 | In the same way, he gave them the cup after the supper |
Voice 3 | This cup is God's new covenant sealed with my blood, which is poured out for you. PAUSE
Voice 2 | Let us pray: Before Jesus broke the bread, before he poured the wine, he gave thanks to you, Lord God, King of the universe, giver of every good thing, of food and drink, of community, companionship and love, of all that gives us strength and delight. Like him we bless you for your generosity and hospitality. |
Voice 3 | Breaking the bread, Jesus spoke about the destruction of his own body, the result of human cruelty, indifference and envy. Remembering his courage and integrity, his willingness to die for the grace he proclaimed, we bless you for our redemption, won at such cost. |
Voice 1 | Sharing the bread, Jesus promises to be with us always, and we acknowledge and delight in his presence here now. We bless you for his Spirit binding us together in a new and hope-filled humanity. Fill us again, Lord, and empower us to live together in the peace and truth of the gospel. Amen. |
The bread is broken and shared, and then the wine is shared with everyone serving one another.
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Voice 1 | We turn to the days ahead: Go with us Lord, so that we can love in all sincerity, loathing what is evil and clinging to what is good. |
Voice 2 | We will be devoted to one another as brothers and sisters, honouring each other above ourselves; we will be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. We will share with God’s people who are in need and practise hospitality. |
Voice 3 | With your help we will bless those who persecute us, blessing and not cursing. We will not repay evil for evil. We will not be overcome by evil, but by the power of your spirit we will overcome evil with good. |
Voice 1 | Go with us good Lord and live in us the life of the Kingdom. The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of us. Amen.