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Discerning God's Will...

Is a lovely phrase and we all think we know what it means - until we try to do it.  But how do we really know if what we think is of God?  What clues are there to indicate that we might be wide of the mark?

My little congregation is faced with this kind of question as we think about our future.  We have tried pushing various doors to see if they would open, and some did, a little bit, before slamming firmly in our faces.  So was it God who slammed them or other people not in tune with God?  Was it God who unlocked them or us who picked the locks?  How can we ever know for sure?

Some people - quite a lot actually - honestly believe that we absolutely must have our own premises.  Others absolutely believe we must not, so who is in tune with God and who is listening to their own desires?  How do we know?  Who is qualified to judge?

Some people believe that we are not praying enough (quantity) or adequately (in faith), others think we are doing OK.  Some people want to add more and more prayer meetings they won't attend, and others want to better resource those we do have.  But what does God think?

Some people want to add more new initiatives, others want to consolidate what we have - but what of God?

Sometimes I wish God wrote things on clouds in gold letters, because it would make life so much easier.  Sometimes I wish God did email or MSN or some such.  The truth is, I think, that discernment is blooming hard work and it is only restrospectively that we have any chance of having any clue whether we got it right. Whether God in fact opted for plan 77B because we just didn't get it is something I guess we will never know...


  • Many of the rest of us know how you feel...

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