.. is as good as a rest? Not sure! I've just had an intense two days of mentor training right on top of yet another round of "death and serious illnesses" in church. It's been good fun, and good training, reminding me that my learning style is a 'reflective-theorist' or a 'theorist reflector,' that I am an otter (co-ordinator) with a slight preference for beaverishness rather than a lion or a labrador! A lot of it was about self awareness and the dangers of assuming other people are like ourselves. So, as a loyal-perfectionist (enneagram) ISTJ (Myers Briggs) reflective-theorist (Honey and Mumford) otter (unknown) I can be sure all my readers are different from me - think I knew that anyway, but it was fun. And plenty of chocolate too.
Among the devotional material was this, which I really liked:
A candle-light is a protest at midnight.
It is a non-conformist.
It says to the darkness
"I beg to differ"
Samuel Rayan, India
Now I have to go to see the Anglicans plug in their new vicar!