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The Birds and the Bats

Readers of a sensitive or nervous disposition may need to look away now!  Our derelict and nearly sold - it's just waiting for completion - building is not merely home to both birds and bats but they (at least the birds, the bats are 'not proven') have the audacity to breed there.  I mean, breeding in a church - shocking!  As a result of this, the buyer has to evict them - and provide temporary housing for the bats (how sweet) before the breeding season gets underway if he is to achieve the required timeframe for housing association housing on the site (are you keeping up?!).  What this means is:

  • taking tiles off the roof so that the bats think 'this is not a nice place to bring up a family' and leave in disgust
  • building a temporary bat house - which needs official planning consent (!)
  • covering up the crevices and eaves where the birds nest

There seems a bit of a tension between bird and bat preferences here - and I'm a little confused as to why the bats can't leave via one of the numerous broken windows or why the birds won't suddenly decide to nest inside the building having flown in and sussed it out.  Failure to do this now means a delay of about six months until all the baby birdies have grown up and flown and any baby bats have learned that this is not a nice place to hang out anymore before the builder can put up much needed low cost housing.  As Terry Wogan would say 'is it me?'

So, scaffolders and green netting due to arrive on site in the next day or so...



  • "Christen" them - they'll never darken the doors again!

  • Ah, that's why URC churches don't have bats or birds - they don't need to be able to confess faith for themselves and you settle for a quick slosh of water rather than trying to drown them.. hang on, drowning now there's an idea.... (Only joking nice RSCPA/RSPB inspector)

  • Open up holes, so that the bats can get out.

    Fill in the holes, so that the birds can't get in.

    Open up holes, so that the bats can get out...

    It all makes work for the working man to do!

  • Sounds like a job for Batman and Robin.

    "Holy nesting boxes, Batman! We'd better get down there before the Penguin sabotages the temporary bat shelter!"

    Another thing they didn't teach you at college!

  • Actually Andy I wonder if I'm in some strange children's programme - I get phone calls from...

    Barry the Batman
    Dan the Builder

    and am awaiting

    Jeff the Scaffolder

    (Names not changed to protect the guilty)

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