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Hillside Communion

Yesterday I was out with the walking group, and was asked to lead communion on a hillside.  It was with some trepidation that agreed - many folk have precious memories of one of my predecessors doing so, what if I mucked it all up?

dollar glen.jpgA lovely spot was chosen, just beyond the head of a reservoir near Dollar Glen.  A memorial cairn acted as a communion table, and my plastic picnic goblet and plate served as chalice and paten.  Around twenty of us gathered in a beautiful spot, broke bread, shared 'wine' and remembered the mystery of a God who would destroy death through death itself.

A special moment.  A couple of people commented they'd found it meaningful, one being especially struck by me tearing and scattering the left over bread for the birds.  As John 3:16 says 'God so loved the cosmos....' it is fitting that the birds are included in the remembering.

Photo (c) Ken Fisher

PS I'm grateful to the Gideon's for my 34 year old New Testament which was ideal size to fit my pocket!

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