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Just Wondering...

An article here focusses on the potential for Dr Jeffrey John to be appointed as Bishop of Southwark and observes

"The group’s [Reform] convenor Philip Giddings and Secretary Chris Sugden said the Church should not consecrate clergy whose doctrine is not fully in accord with the Church of England’s teachings."

Now this is not a direct quotation so it may not be quite what they actually said, but I was left wondering how many Anglican clergy actually subscribe to all 39 articles...?

I was quite struck by this opinion piece from The Guardian online.

This coming Sunday we will be looking at the story of Peter and Cornelius, and I find myself wondering...

HT BUGB e-news sweep for links.


  • You might be interested to know that Anglican clergy in Scotland (ie Scottish Episcopal Clergy) don't have to subscribe to the 39 Articles at all.

  • Last night I attended the ordination into the ministry of the Anglican Church of an ex work colleague. It was intellectually an interesting experience for someone with almost no prior knowledge of the Anglican tradition, but I struggled with the juxtaposition of the story of her personal calling from God into ministry in later life alongside her having to swear allegiance to the Soveriegn and obedience to the Bishop of Liverpool (who attended complete with gold robes, pointy hat and large shepherd's crook -another novel experience for me!!).

    There was another bit where she promised only to use forms of service authorised of allowed by the Canon, which made me wonder where was the room for expression of her creativity and individual gifts in worship, and made me a bit sad. Yet despite this I know her faith and calling are real and that she will serve God faithfully within her chosen tradition.

    All part of the Church's rich tapestry I suppose.....

  • I find Anglican licensing services a bit bizarre, yet for my Anglican colleagues/friends incredibly moving and meaningful. Some of them find the lack of Baptist Canons (people or laws) very bewildering; I recently tried to explain Baptist principles to an Anglican who said 'but you must do the creeds surely...' er, no.

    As you say, the church is a rich tapestry with colours, textures and hues to dazzle and bewilder in equal measure.

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