When I was at college one of my tutors once said to me 'never say never' and of course that's wise counsel. Yet there are always things we say 'never' to. Three weeks back after my first dose of drugs I said to a friend words to the effect of 'don't expect to see me without hair' and she said words to the effect of 'never say never.'
So, today was the day of the grand shave, something I was not willing to let anyone witness, being far too intimate, and in any case I didn't want anyone seeing my head before I did.
I didn't actually see it until I got home and took off the freshly shaped wig (which was itching like crazy!) and decided it didn't look so bad after all - and it was bliss to feel air round my head after being cooped up in a scarf or a wig. So, although I have no intention of appearing bare-headed in public, and although it is still far from completely bald (ironically you have to leave about 1/2 inch so the hairs can fall out properly, and falling out they certainly are) I feel it's time to break another taboo and let the world see what I now look like, at least in the comfort of my own home. I hope it doesn't distress you to see me thus - I'm actually OK with it. Yes, I'd love to still have another 24 inches or so but it's still me and I'm still made in God's image and likeness.

you look beautiful - it's a great photo
thinking of you down here in the depths of the west country
send my love to millie x
it's still you, and you look beautiful - and I am typing with tears
I agree - I saw it first on the e-mail and I thought WOW! you look funky! My daughter who doesn't know thought so too.
I always wonder about how the way we look affects the way we are perceived/treated. Am I treated differently because I am fat, for instance. As this kind of haircut is popular with some women I wonder if people meeting you for the first time will see you differently to the way they would have seen you with your lovely long hair?
I am amazed by you! ;-)
Great photo! Remarkably stylish. Even the ½inch ones are all numbered! Love and Blessings x
You wrote an email a while back telling us all the things we werent allowed to say - and frankly, I cant remember it all and I cant be bothered to find it. So at the risk of saying the wrong thing - you look great!
Thank you all so much for your lovely comments.
David you're OK - no way would anyone dare tell me I should have done this years ago... I hope!! And saying I look great is definitely in the rules. :-)
Wow!! You look amazing - you have just the right shaped head to carry this look off. I agree with Julie, it's a really funky look that suits you so well. Oh, and your honesty on your blog is truly a blessing to me. Thankyou.