Today's Baptist Times carries the announcement of the death of a minister who died too young, too soon. I'm not sure how old Jeff was, but I reckon about my own age.
I met Jeff when we both served on the committee of the Baptist Ministers' Fellowship (BMF), I as area rep for EMBA and he as sector rep for Chaplains. There was some common ground in that we both trained at Northern (he best part of a decade ahead of me) and that he was chaplain at Northampton General Hospital; at some point he had visited my Mum when she was in hopsital and I am grateful for that, as was she. More recently Jeff moved to the south coast to take up a chaplaincy role in Taunton.
I knew Jeff had been diagnosed with cancer a couple of years back but had understood all to be going well.
Jeff brought to BMF committee meetings lightness and wisdom, humour and spirituality, important insights from the 'sectors' and a genuine interest in our own pastoral ministries. He will be missed.
Go in peace, good and faithful servant.
I was Senior Student when Jeff arrived at Northern. He had previously been in business (insurance, I think) and had bought one of the first, biggreybricklike mobile phones which he carried around with him.
I never saw anyone call him on it.
Clearly, this was a technological innovation which was doomed never to take off!
A sad loss.
I met Jeff first when he attended my home church in Cardiff in the early 1980's. He was amusing and he and I exchanged Fawlty Toweers quotes. He was in insurance then and he came on a double date with my then girlfriend and now wife. Jeff was usher at my wedding and had amused us a few months earlier at our engagement when he sent us a card that announced:
"Engaged with HM Coroner"
It was a card he had made out of one I used to use when parking when I was a funeral director. He was a quiet, shy sort and frequently in the background of the practical jookes I played on my father at the time.
When Jeff's father was inducted into a church in Cardiff, I hijacked the service sheets and printed 100 with my father's photograph on.....most amusing.
Rest In Peace Jeff - you made me laugh many times and I fondly remember all the Fawlty Towers we watched together.
Thanks both Tims, it's good to discover a little more about Jeff... I can imagine him with the brick phone and saw glimpses of his humour at BMF. I just hope he knew he touched our lives for the good.