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Thorny Topics Well Handled

To my shame, I have only just opened and read the lastest BMS Mission Catalyst which explores some areas that all too often are hushed up, ignored or pronounced upon: questions around human sexuality and what 'good news' looks like.  It doesn't give you any neat answers, rather it leaves you with things to think about.  Three articles on Christians who are LGBT, three on Christians in Marriage/Cohabitation and a couple on Christians and pre-commitment/ceremonial sexual activity.

Where there are two Baptists there will be three opinions, which, for me, is part of the delight of who we are.  We may not agree with everything that's said but this is a gracious attempt to handle some thorny topics well.  The issue can be read online (follow the link above and scroll down to the issue labelled 'Sexuality') and every BUGB/BUS/BUW church ought to have copies.

I hope the copy I've just read can find its way to our noticeboard, and will be read openly and honestly.  Above all I hope that we will learn to see everyone as God does and not assume that we have the right to judge anyone.

If I can be a bit picky, I think something on singleness and celibacy (and I don't mean a list of thou shalt nots) might have been helpful too - once again we are the forgotten third of the church - but it's easy to criticise what is basically very good.

Thank you BMS.


  • hmm... I wouldn't have chosen Andrew Marin on LGBT stuff as he's a bit questionable in terms of motive- a good example of LGBT relations done in a uniquely American Evangelical way maybe...

    but otherwise very good.

    Either Rachel or Sarah Hagger-Holt (can't remember which) lived in Glasgow for a few years. Their book is a good resource.

  • Hi Holly,
    I think they are trying to get a very wide range of people to engage. Doing that across three Baptist Unions and an international mission agency is pretty tricky. You maybe have to have been around the Baptist world a while to know how rare it is for the topic to be aired at all.

  • Hi there, ooo Holly I have no idea who you are, but you're right, Sarah used to live in Glasgow. Glad you found 'Living It Out' helpful. And hi Baptist Blogger (sorry I couldn't find your name on the site) hope that this Mission Catalyst is useful on your noticeboard.

    We just came back from Spring Harvest and spent some time hanging out with Andrew Marin. Motive or not, he's a delightful person to hang out with, and even invited me to join him on the stage to talk about 'Living it Out' - a lesbian on the stage at SH!!! even I was shocked!

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