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Privilege and Responsibility

Being the first, and so far only, ordained Baptist woman in pastoral charge of a Baptist Church in Scotland beings both privilege and responsibility.  Whether I like it or not, whether my peeps like it or not, one day, I and we will be part of Scottish Baptist history.

Most of the time that is something to which I, and we, can sit very lightly, getting on with life together, but now and again the responsibility aspect trumps the privilege.  I guess it has to really, since my ordination is to the wider church, not just to one fellowship.

It seems that a number of the Scottish Baptist women who are Associate Ministers have resigned in the last year, leaving the few who are hospital chaplains.  I don't know the reasons but it makes my role possibly ever more significant theologically and denominationally.

This week one of the students who preached for us during my sick leave meets the Board of Ministry as the final test of her call, we pray with and for her.  In a fortnight someone 'down south' faces her Min Rec ahead of coming to Scotland to start her training in September.  Rightly or wrongly, what I do, or don't do, say or don't say, will impact for good or ill how they fare in this beautiful and crazy Union.  I glimpse just a teeny bit of how it was for Edith Gates and Violet Hedger all those years back.

Please, if it's your thing, pray for F and A facing their boards over the next couple of weeks, and for all who find themselves thrust into pioneering or spotlighted roles.


  • Inded I will, Catriona, with much fellow feeling. I wasn't such an isolated pioneer as you, but I was among the first group of women to be ordained priest in the Church in Wales back in 1997 and was the first woman my parish church had ever had in any kind of ministerial role. As you say, it's a big responsibility but also an enormous privilege.

  • as always

  • Thank you! I have my board on 17th May and would love any and every prayer as I follow my calling! It does seem to take some folks by surprise that I want to go north to study! But I consider this a gift from God, to be near my parents and family while I study. And please hold me to the fact that I sense the need to never restrict my profile geographically in return for this gift!

  • Thanks all.

    A - it's a great place to be and the college folk are lovely, just some things are 'more so' here than down south! I always said I was willing to go anywhere, which meant my profile was sent literally from the Isle of Wight to the north of Scotland, from Wales to East Anglia and all station in between. The good thing is somehow you 'just know' when it's the right place - even if everyone else thinks you're nuts.

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