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Turn of Seasons

Autumn comes a little bit earlier in Scotland than in England.  Today the schools are back and we start our 'new year' (just as I clear off on my hols of course).

Around this time last year - a week or two later to be precise - I recall noticing that the trees were just starting to change colour, that golds and yellows and reds were appearing amidst the green.  Here and there a few early fallen leaves graced the pavements.  As I drank in the beauty of the moment, I was also filled with fear (that's why I know it was later) - would I live to see this happen again?

Last evening I went out for a walk, five miles of training for my half marathon in September.  Once again I noticed the leaves starting to turn from summer to autumn hues.  This time, I was remembering, and seeing from a very different 'place' what the year has wrought.

So much has changed in that time and I can bore for Britain on the topic, but I can honestly say, as I look back and look forward, I have no regrets about how that time has been spent.  This time I am fortunate enough not to be wondering whether there will be a 'next time' (though if you get me in a dark moment I might wonder how many 'next times'), at least two of the friends I've made along the way are not so lucky. Like leaves, our lives are fragile and fleeting.

I think autumn will now always have a special place in my heart, as the leaves turn from green to gold, and as one season turns to another.  I think it will always give me pause to see the trees change.  I think I will always remember those I met this year.  I think that's good.

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