Unusually, I have just finished preparing my sermon for tomorrow - to have done so with less than 24 hours until delivery is, for me, extremely rare. There are many reasons for this, some are purely practical, but mostly it's becuase this one seems to have a mind of its own. When I began preparing I had a clear idea in mind of where I wanted to go... but I ended up somewhere utterly different. What I thought I wanted to talk about was inter-generational relationships within western-European-style families; what I ended up with is something about re-envisioning church along the lines of a roughly Afrcian philospophy of extended family.
Last week's sermon, over which I sweated and toiled, was one I ended up quite pleased with. This week's I'm far less confident about. I'm happy enough with what it says, just not quite sure that it necessarily does quite what it needs to. Ah well. This time tomorrow I will know better how it has been received.
It has been interesting to prepare, I have certinaly enjoyed the 'research' and study involved, I just hope that through it we detect something of God's voice.