Today brought an 'extra' edition of Praxis (the joint Baptist/Methodist/URC public issues team publication) urging action on two live and important issues. I know readers of this blog will have diverse views on each of these, and especially the second (it impacts the employment of some of my friends whichever way it goes) but it seemed right to bring them to your notice.
Firstly, the minimum pricing of alcohol measure for measure campaign where we are invited to write to our MPs urging action. Several nights a week our premises are used by support groups for people with addictions, one of which is Alcoholics Anonymous. Walk in any town or city on a Saturday night and the results of cheap booze are self-evident. I'm not saying everyone should be like me and be TT, but if people are unwilling or unable to be responsible in their drinking habits, then action is needed - and ending cheap booze has to be a first step to moving away from a culture that promotes drunkenness.
Secondly, the replacement (or not) of Trident on which BUGB Assembly passed a resolution two years ago (I was there, I recall it!). If the resolution is to move from rhetoric to reality, then people need to get off their metaphorical rear-ends and do something... again, writing to MPs is suggested.
You can find out who your (Westminster) MP is here
Then a reminder of the Beyond 400 bloggy thing to which I have a link in the left sidebar. Some interesting conversations, though the level of active/public participation is small, if measured by comments left. It does seem to be, so far, very much the 'usual suspects' and even the writers I don't know seem to be part of a similar mindset. It really needs more people to join in - agreeing or disagreeing - so why not visit it if you haven't done so (or haven't for a while). Anyone of any persuasion can comment, it's a public blog!