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Remembering our Future - Three and a Half Hours...

...plus set up and and clear up time, so around six and a half total...

A very different approach to church for us, so old that it was new, whereby we combined morning worship with the Church Meeting, sang hymns that covered four hundred years (plus a bit) and ended with communion.  We devoted substantial amounts of time to reflecting on the story of our redevelopment - now into its thirteenth year - and to a whole range of proposal arising from our recent ministry review.  We also paved the way for some important work in the area of diversity and inclusivity.

It was, overall, good, lots of positive feedback and everything carried unanimously.  If could go back and do it again, I'd handle a few bits better... but then I guess we can all always deduce that...

God is good... and I am tired in a good way.

Ready for my hols, but also excited at what will be ahead of me when I return.


One of the hymns we used was this one, by Christopher Idle, which was written for Peckham Park Baptist Church

What is our mission in this place,
our vision for these days?
Our homes alive with love for God
our cities filled with praise!
The church a true community
to serve our neighbourhood;
friends gathered round by Jesus Christ
at work for all, for good.

To welcome everyone in need
with free, affirming care;
to hear God's word, to teach his truth,
his justice find and share:
to send, and to be sent ourselves
and look for opening doors
along the street, or nationwide,
or far beyond our shores.

To build in partnership with Christ,
to pray 'Your Kingdom come',
that he who changed us at his cross
will heal this place, our home.
O Holy Spirit, move our hearts;
mend us and make us one,
in beautiful variety
our heaven on earth begun!

Christopher Idle © Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd

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