One of the tea time television quizzes 'de jour' is Pointless. I have to admit I quite like this (and twice would have one the jackpot had I made it that far, once on long distance footpaths in the UK and the other on Scottish universities) and if I'm home will happily sit and watch it.
So, this morning part of our service will be 'Pointless' as I give people one hundred seconds tyo write down as many _____ __ _____ in the Bible as they can. Ah but that'd be telling, some read this before coming to church and would have time to swat up first.
Think good categories for Pointless at some poiont to have would be ...
Books of the Bible
Parables told by Jesus
Plagues of the Exodus
Oh, and of course variants on the one I'm using, which will produce loads and loads of 'pointless' answers for sure!!