It's the weekend, so Christian Aid give us time off for good behaviour, or some such!
If you don’t know your legal rights, you can’t defend them. In São Paulo, Brazil, tens of thousands of
people live in unsafe housing. Those who complain to their landlords risk immediate eviction. Christian
Aid partner Gaspar Garcia runs a human rights centre where tenants can go to receive free legal advice and to join forces with others in a similar situation to demand change and to face their landlords together.
How many of your human rights can you name? Give 10p for each one.
Did you know that children have speical rights? That means there are certain things that adults have to make sure children have; like somewhere safe to live and the chance to see a doctor if they are sick. The good news is that all children also have the right to play! But, at the moment, there are many children around the world who don’t have time to play because they have to work.
Give 10p for every different game you play this weekemd
A very long time ago, as part of my Girls' Brigade Queen's Award I had to read chunks of the International Declaration of Human Rights, with speical reference to the rights of children. To my shame that part of my memory is very, very rusty. Rights I can recall are, in no particular order...
basic education
food and shelter
basic healthcare
freedom of movement
At 10p each that comes to a mere 50p. Look here for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and see just what is enshrined in its principles. Quite sobering.
My pledge
Today - 50p
Total - £8 plus one prayer of thanksgiving