So, after yesterday's blog-frenzy (four posts is a lot, even by my standards!) it will all slow down again for a few days.
Today I am planning to catch up some admin type stuff, some sabbatical related, some domestic, and then do some more mulling over the two visits I've done whilst baking cakes to take to the friends I am visiting this weekend.
A weekend visit to friends is something of a luxury in my line of work, and indeed that of anyone who has week-by-week commitments in a church... musicians, Sunday School leaders, church secretaries, people who operate the sound desk or projector, and so-on. I have a feeling that there is a risk that ministers grow so accustomed to working Sundays that we don't always appreciate that, but for these volunteers, our Sunday's would be very different. So, as I head off for the kind of weekend that many 'in the pew' can take for granted, I spare a thought, and a prayer, for those whose commitment to the life of their congregation can make such luxuries a near-impossible dream, hoping that I won't forget once I am back in harness!
Thank you, God,
For Church Secretaries, collating the 'notices' or 'intimations' week by week
Making sure dates and times and places are announced
Pastoral news shared
And the visiting preacher cared for
Thank you, God,
For organists and pianists, guitarists and saxophonists,
For vocalists and SATB choirs,
And those who press 'play' on the 'Wesley' or CD player
Ensuring there is music in worship
Thank you, God,
For Sunday School leaders, preparing sessions
Hunting high and low for this video or that craft item
Sharing news and stories
With 'classes' small or large
Thank you, God
For the ones who put out the chairs (and put them away)
Who bakes cakes and pour tea,
Who hand out books or leaflets
Who welcome friend and stranger
Thank you, God
For hymn number board fillers
And PowerPoint preparers
For PA woofers and tweeters (whatever they may be!)
For door unlockers and alarm switcher-offers
Thank you, God
For flower arrangers (and distributors)
Water jug fillers
Toilet roll replenishers
Offertory counters and night safe deliverers
Thank you, God,
For those who, Sunday by Sunday,
Turn out, rain or shine,
To make worship work
By working on a Sunday