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All Set...

Tomorrow morning is the Coffee Morning for Elpis, the local charity that supports vulnerable and homeless young women.  With promises of lots of yummy home-baking and a bring 'n' buy stall, it should be a lovely morning, and I hope will raise a useful sum for the charity.  I have exercised some restraint in my own baking this time - possibly not as much as people think I should, but it's fun - so here I am showing off a box of cakes that's all ready to go...


If you happen to be in the West End of Glasgow between 10:30 and midday, do drop by, grab a cuppa and say 'hi'.

Sunday is our shoebox collection day for Operation Christmas Child, and my box is sitting waiting to go.  Sending love and hope in a box - seems like a great gift to offer.

Slightly quieter week ahead next week after three that have been very full-on... still working on that plan of mine to work only sensible numbers of hours! 

Making cakes is pretty relaxing and enjoyable (and definitely NOT work) so I had fun making these.

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