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Well with all the cakes sold, most of the bringings bought and some generous donations in, I can announce that we raised £260 and a few pence for Elpis.  That was a great weekend's work.

We also have a huge stack of shoeboxes ready to go off with Operation Christmas Child to bring hope to children who would otherwise have a pretty bleak time.

And we had so many children present that I didn't have enough hyacinth bulbs to dole out one each, so they had to have one per family (parents probably relieved not to have to nurture too many plants!).  So one per family and two to the two people I think were the most senior present.

The church meeting that followed got through a lot of stuff in an hour, and we were all out of the building by about 2:30.

So now it's time to chill for a while!  Overall a good weekend's endeavours.

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