If you go into a large department store in any town or city, you will find tall, elegant Christmas trees, perfectly upright and tastefully decorated with matching baubles carefully arranged. Or you could have a Christmas tree that's a bit like mine - more than twenty years old, a bit skew-whiff and shoogly. There are matching baubles, those that have survived the years, but the lights aren't quite long enough to reach the top. Then there are the tiny nutcracker dolls, a gift from my sister, the wooden letter 'C' a gift from a friend, and the squished, glitter laden decoration of dubious descriotion made by a godchild, to name just a few. It is this latter kind of tree, in its lopsided loveliness that truly says something about Christmas because it overflows with love - given and received - through many years and in different places.
Our carol service cum nativity was, I ventured to suggest even before it began, more like the latter than the former, delivered with lashings of love.
At times laugh out loud funny, at others aching endearing, with small children singing solos, and a real live dog to visit the manger, as well as adult and childrens' choirs, poems, Bible readings, advent candles, a parol lantern (looking east) and prayers, it was a brilliant morning, loads of fun, full of life and love.
Thank you Gatherers and friends for making it such a wonderful service.
I just decorated our tree with the grandsons. No colour coordination here. :-) Happy Christmas.