As part of my preparation for Sunday I have been researching the origins of the phrase 'marching to the beat of a different drummer' - seems the version I was told in Sunday school about 35 years ago was decidedly iffy, but the core message obviously stayed with me!
All the thinking brought back to mind the once popular song ''Different Drum', which, thanks to the wonders of Google I can tell you, was released around 1968 (sites vary!) by Linda Rondstat and the Stone Poneys:
Listening to it again and reading the lyrcis reminded me of my indepent twenty-something self :
...All I'm saying [is] I'm not ready
For any person, place or thing
To try and pull the reins in on me...
Given its date, I suspect there may be an allusion to 'free love' over against commitment, but the words reminded me of my younger self who was happily single and following the beat of a different drum from many friends who were marrying and starting families.
All these years later I have no regrets, I still follow a drum that few would choose or accept, and for me it is the right one. I guess that's ultimately what matters.
Nice to hear the song again anyway!