As I was preparing for yesterday's sermon, one of the many things that struck me about the recorded temptations of Jesus was that it began with self-doubt, a questioning of identity... If you are... My light bulb moment was when I imagined the thought running through Jesus' mind, "Am I who I am? Am I the Son of I AM?" and the way this temptation is a cruel parody of the self-revelation of God to Moses that I AM who I AM; I will be who I will be. "Am I the son of YHWH...?" "Am I I AM?"
Probably everyone else has spotted that and played with the idea yonks ago, but it was new for me.
Today I saw this photo meme thingy on social media which shows scant knowledge of the scriptures (don't recall Jesus saying this) and possibly misses the whole I AM (ego eimi) thing let alone what YHWH tranlates to. Or perhaps it's so subtle I missed it!! It made me smile, and hinted that my thoughts on the tmeptation were probably not so wide of the mark!