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One Golden Day...

I recall, a long time ago, posting about the Karen Money song "One Golden Day", with its lyrics "I'd give the years away for one golden day."  Back then I found this a discomfitting idea, one to which I wasn't ready to give the assent of an 'amen'.  Nothing has changed in my thinking - I still wouldn't give the years away for any day I've had or could imagine.  Nonetheless, yesterday was pretty 'golden'.

It was a very long day, I was at church for a full twelve hours, and it involved three very different and equally great sections, at least as I experienced them.

In the morning we held our first All Age service of the summer and people engaged really well with the assorted activities - from 'show and tell' of medals, badges and trophies to 'javelin prayers' and all sorts in between.  I felt encouraged and the feedback was mainly very positive.

The afternoon was a C of S event for the local parish grouping, using our premises and open to anyone who wanted to come along.  The turnout was small but the quality of conversation really good as we explored a range of questions related to the values of Integrity, Justice, Wisdom and Compassion - the words inscribed on the mace of the Scottish Parliament.  It troubles me that the whole referrendum seems to be driven by tabloid agendas and/or people's views on current occupants of specific offices... and I think it troubles me more many people claim to be fed up with it already and so are not engaging.  Still, it was a great afternoon giving me plenty to mull over.

Then the evening, and the choral communion created by others from church.  With a combined choir of around 20 people, we were able to sing some lovely pieces (even with most parts split in two!) which combined with thoughtful readings and lovely hymns to make for a gentle and moving experience.

I arrived home 'whacked - in a good way' as I commented elsewhere.  It had been a 'golden day'.

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