Today, friends in Rochester awoke to the news that a UKIP MP had been elected
Kyrie eleison
Today is the 40th anniversary of the Birmingham pub bombings
Kyrie eleison
Today, in west Africa, people will die from Ebola
Kyrie eleison
Today in the USA immigration rules are changed
Kyrie eleison
Today, TTIP and NHS funding will debated and decisions brought closer
Kyrie eleison
Today, I will take my cat back to the vet
Kyrie eleison
Tomorrow I will visit a friend, probably to say 'goodbye'
Kyrie eleison
Next week, I will begin preparations for Advent
Kyrie eleison
Next week, there will meetings and discusions and decisions
Kyrie eleison
Today, tomorrow, next week, I, we, you, they, will endeavour and achieve, attempt and fail
Christe eleison
Today, tomorrow and always
Dona nobis pacem