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Recurrent Themes...

Often I find that a word or theme recurs during the extended liturgical seasons of Lent and Advent.  This year there have been two, it seems... "backwards" and "simplify"


"Walking Backwards to Christmas" by Stephen Cottrell is an Advent book that travels backwards through the story, with some slightly lumpy smoothing of the Luke/Matthew differences, imagining the scene through real and "invented" characters - so far the most powerful (with a strong language alert) is that of "Rachel" at the slaughter of the innocents... not something we often ponder this side of tinselmas Christmas.

Similarly, Jostein Gaarder's "Christmas Mystery" is a narraive advent calendar that travels backwards from 20th century Scandinavia to 1st century Bethlehem via a 'magic advent calendar'.  I am enjoying this book which is new to me, though a much loved treaure of many others.

Then yesterday, I was at meeting where the speaker observed, as many have done before, that it is only by looking backwards we  see God's action in our lives or in history.

Telling it backwards, seeing it backwards, imaginatively travelling backwards... it seems to be an Advent 2014 theme.


Explicity, and specifically from the Alternativity movement comes the call to 'simplify' our Christmas festivities... less bells and whistles, less fuss, less self, less money, less stress... whatever it may be.

This year I have simplified what I am offering to my fellow Gatherers... no 'angle' on the Advent candles, just adopting the Christian Aid liturgy, no gimmics, no giveaways, just straightforward services.  Our morning carol service on Advent 4 will be, essentially, the Christian Aid "lessons and carols" with a few tweaks to add in offertory and intercessions!!

Family gifts this year are, to all intents and purposes "shoe boxes" - 'small parcel' size boxes which I will fill with small gifts purchased locally and avoiding the lure of Amazon (so far so good on my Amzaon free Advent, not even a digital download :) )  Church fundraising calendars, charity chocolate bars, little "aha" gifts... I will spend as much, I am sure, but it will simpler, gentler and hopefully still bring some happiness to the recipients.


I wonder which words are featuring in your Advent preparations?


Now, all this talk of walking backwards stirs a little levity in my soul...

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