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A Baptist response..

This response from Lynn Green of BUGB (popular name now 'Baptists Together'), and essentially what will sent out by all the JPIT denominations,  is well worth reading... I've lifted the full text from their website.

1 Timothy 2:2-3:  I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour.

In the next few days, supported by our Joint Public Issues Team, I and other Church leaders will be writing to our re-elected Prime Minister, assuring him and his government, both of our prayers as Christian communities, and also our concern that issues of Truth, Justice, Peace and Wellbeing are recognised as key priorities for our nations.

This is a result that many would not have predicted, which as well as having political consequences, is revealing significant personal implications for many who are now relinquishing office. I want to encourage everyone who is part of Baptists Together to take time to intentionally pray for our political leaders at the outset of this new parliament, and hope that you will make this a priority when you gather for worship in the days ahead.

As we engage with politicians at a national level, we also urge local churches to write to your newly elected Member of Parliament, assuring them of our prayers and encouraging them to recognise us as valuable partners in building a wholesome society for all.

In particular we might encourage every Member of Parliament to commit themselves:  

  • To a fair and accessible Welfare and Benefits system that protects the dignity and wellbeing of everyone in our society, especially those who are most vulnerable and disadvantaged, including a review of the effectiveness and justice of the present Benefit Sanctions system.
  • To recognise Britain’s responsibility in an unstable and increasingly perilous world, especially protecting our commitment to overseas aid and working to ensure safety and sanctuary for those who are threatened and confronted with religious and ethnic persecution.
  • To seriously re-examine our parliament’s commitment to maintaining its present level of nuclear deterrent and its necessity and suitability in our contemporary world.
  • To recognise and take active steps to address the growing economic inequalities in our society, ensuring that our fiscal systems are just and fair for all.
  • To take seriously the climatic and environmental impact of our continuing consumption of fossil fuels, recognising this as a global responsibility.

We offer these shared concerns as a basis for your own engagement with your Member of Parliament, to which you may want to add one or two issues that are specific to your local context.
Let us join together in praying for all who serve in political and civic office at this significant time in our national life.

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