This morning our congregation was pretty small - around half to two-thirds the usual numbers, and of those present around a quarter were visitors, mostly first timers.
After the service, I noted that all the visitors were being chatted with, that they all stayed to share some of our 'now we are six' birthday cake and that there was a really friendly, welcoming atmosphere about the place.
As we gathered round the cake, topped off with candles and sang "happy birthday to us" I felt very proud of my people. Sure, we sometimes disappoint each other or have our niggles and disagreements, but overall we stick together through good and challenging times.
As my sixth year draws to its end, and as the seventh will soon dawn, I can confirm there is absolutely no trace of 'itchy feet' in this minister person...
Love you loads, Gatherers, and very grateful to God for bringing us together at the right time for us all.