When I discovered that my essay was not only going to be included in this book, but was going to be the first chapter, I was excited and humbled and a whole range of other positive emotions. I was then saddened to discover that, apart from my author copy, it would never be seen outside of New Zealand, because the publishing house don't do overseas sales. Some gentle persistent nagging by the editors, and a promise by me to advertise it through any networks I could muster, have resulted in their agreeing to offer it for $30NZ including postage, which is an absolute bargain... Less than £15 for UK purchasers, and Christmas is coming... what better gift for your minister, oncologist or even yourself.
It comes with a health warning - the stories will make you cry and make you smile, and the book will make you think. It isn't preachy, it doesn't have neat tidy answers, and not all contributors think alike. Well worth every penny, cent or whatever currency you spend on it!
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