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#Advent Challenge Day 15

Today's choices are a bit odd (in my opinion) ... when I had a car I was a courtesous driver who let people in/out; when I do cook it is from scratch - and when I use ready meals I don't call it cooking!  So my only option today is the long queue of any shops I may be in... which probably means I have to go to the mini tesco at lunchtime as anywhere else someone will be lurking to monitor the queues and call out "first in here" to minimise wait times.  It's either that or the very inefficient post office (won't say which of three possibles that might be!!)

Dear Catriona

Patience – something that can be hard to find sometimes! We all find ourselves in situations where our patience is tested. At times we look for shortcuts, try to force things to happen or just give up.

The Bible tells us that, even before Jesus was born, God had promised that he would come to earth. This meant that not only one person had to be patient, but whole generations!

How can you develop your patience today?


Join the longest queue at the shop checkout
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When given an opportunity, let other drivers out in front of you
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Cook a meal from scratch
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A view from the Bible

"May you be made strong with all the strength which comes from his glorious power, so that you may be able to endure everything with patience..."

Read more: Colossians 1.11

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