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#Advent Challenge Day 22

Forgiving others is second nature, and anyway there's no-one I currently feel a need to forgive.  My money is spent up already, so I opted for the middle one, not least as after yesterday's household blitz I have lots of stuff waiting to go to charity shops.  But which challenge is the one for you...?

Dear Catriona

How many times have you tried something, not quite got it right, and then done better second time around? In all likelihood, we’ve all had the benefit of being given a second chance on something.

In a similar way, the Bible teaches us the importance of offering second chances, after all, God gives us ‘second chances’ time and time again!


Forgive someone who has wronged you
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Take some items to a local second hand shop for someone else to use
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A view from the Bible

"Be tolerant with one another and forgive one another whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. You must forgive one another just as the Lord has forgiven you."

Colossians 3: 13

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