Last night the focus was on Bonhoeffer, and four strands in his thinking: Discipline, Action, Suffering and Death. These are good words to carry on into today as we focus on
Foot washing
Bread breaking
Wine pouring
Kiss betraying
Curse denying
Not a lot of words today, just a prayer:
Foot-washing God, kneeling in front of me and gently wiping the dust of another year's journey, how tender is your touch
Bread-breaking God, offering me nutrition for my body's ongoing life, symbolising your own death
Wine-pouring God, blessing me for my journey onwards, your love splashing in the cup of my heart
Kiss-betrayed God, meeting my gaze and weeping over my failure to understand
Curse-betrayed God, hearing the course crow of the cock as once more I fail to acknowledge you
On this day of mystery
In the symbols
In the remembering
Meet me afresh, cleanse, forgive, strengthen, delight...
Then lead me into the darkness to wait patiently with you, for you...