This little funny does the rounds every year... and carries more than a germ of truth. Clergy, organists/musicians, choristers, flower arrangers, tea-makers, messy church facilitaters, meditation/reflection leaders and so on, all arrive at Easter Monday in a state ranging from tiredness via kn*ckeration to full on medically defined exhuastion. We love Easter, we want it to be special, and it always is... and then we need a rest.
I have a feeling this tomb is rather full of snoring clerics right now!
There are lots of funny pictures available online, and I guess they could offend, but I thought I'd share this one which is new to me, and reminds me of a special friend at whose funeral these same words, in the chorus of a song, were used in the eulogy...
If you know the song, you will know that the opening lines run roughly thus:
I used to think that music matters
But does it b******s
Not compared to how people matter
I think that's a not too bad summary of what the cross event is about really...
Sorry if images or language offend, if so just ignore the post and move on.