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Enduring Enjoyment

Way, way back, when I began blogging, I knew oodles of people who blogged, and had a long list of links on the side bar of this blog.  Now, many, maybe most, of those have gone the way of all flesh.  So it seemed good to give a 'shout out' to some of my blogging buddies who are still actively posting, entertaining, encourgaing, challenging and inspiring me.

The Beaker Folk of Husbourne Crawley is probably my all time favourite, combining some real belly laughs with some equally profound reflection.  The Archdruid has communication skills I might covet, were coveting not verboten!

For pure creativity, spectacular punning and down to earth Christianity, Tracing Rainbows is another 'must read' blog on my list.  A minister's wife, mother, preacher, teacher, crafter and other things too numeorous to mention, Angela can always find something positive to post about, which is a real gift.

Living Wittily is a mostly theological/spirituality blog by someone whose capacity to read, reflect and respond to huge theological tomes leaves me dizzy.  Preacher, educator, mischief-maker and friend, Jim regularly makes me think and often makes me smile, which is a winning combination.

Lastly, Perpetually in Transit, the blog of a (retired) pioneering woman priest is a veritable feast of homely and engaging reflection on life and family.  Living between Scotland, Wales and France, sharing amazing nature photos, reminiscing about times past, and doing so all with humour, grace and literay skill.  Not quite as prolific as the other three, but always a welcome and valuable diversion.  Thank you, Perpetua.

Way back, there used to 'blog award' memes that did the rounds, and everyone linked everyone else's blogs.  Those days are (thankfully) long gone, even if it does make it a little harder to find new and interesting blogs to visit.

Anyway, thank you Archdruid Eileen, Angela, Jim and Perpetua for allowing me to share in your lives and thoughts for so many years, I am definitely glad that you chose to become bloggers.

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