This morning a large group of us met together at church to sort and pack, clear and shift, declutter and dejunk as much stuff as we could. Named by me as "Team Sparklers" in honour of Guy Fawkes Night, this team really shone as they worked tirelessly and cheerfully to completely clear several rooms, and make huge in-roads into others.
After a good couple of hours hard work, we shared a lunch of chip-shop chips, steaming mugs of tea and assorted sweet treats.
The air rang with laughter, memories were made and shared, treasures were uncovered, bizarre objects rehomed or recycled, oodles of items packed up to be passed to other churches, community groups and charities... and a good time was had by all.
Our resident bard wrote us a poem - and the photo shows the majority of the Team enjoying hearing it read.
I came home a tired and happy 'minister type person' feeling that we'd done really well. Brother Lawrence (Practice of the Presence of God) spoke of the worship he offered in omelette making. I think we offered worship in what we did, and glimpsed something of God in each other, and above all were church.
I'd like to think that God enjoyed our endeavours - I certainly did!