This morning's service was based on the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax-collector, but my thinking had got well and trully side-tracked by thinking about the 'I'm OK, your'e OK' thing of Transactional Analysis. That in itself was a good thing, because it caused me to recognise aspects of my personality and reactions that aren't so healthy/helpful.
As the 'altogether' part of the service we made 'warm fuzzies' and then gave them away to each other, exchanging them over and over.
I loved the general buzz of activity as people made their fuzzies, helping each other with the googly eyes and then deciding who they would give their fuzzy.
It's been a very long day, partly at least of my own making, and it's been a rewarding, if demanding, one. I have had some encouraging 'fuzzies' and hope that I haven't exuded too many 'pricklies'... still working on the "I'm OK" bit, but that's probably a life-time's work!!